Do you guys know Sammy Davis? She’s a vintage
evangelist of sorts, spreading the vintage love through her site, Sammy DavisVintage, and supporting vintage sellers and enthusiasts along the way. Along
with running her site, she also just released an e-book called The 100 Best Vintage
Shops Online, and guess what? La Poubelle Vintage was included as one of the 20
best vintage shops on Etsy, which is a huge honor! The book is an amazing
resource for anyone that loves to shop vintage, and breaks down the best of the
web’s shops by style, budget and era. The pages are also pure eye candy with
tons of beautiful photos of vintage pieces. Did I mention it’s easy on the
wallet? Check out The 100 Best Vintage Shops Online to download a free excerpt or buy a digital copy
of the book for just $4.99. You can see a sneak peek of my page in the book,
above! Thanks Sammy and keep spreading the vintage love!