A few days ago I went to check out this lot of vintage clothing in Brooklyn. It was at the home of a man who owned a moving company, someone's mother had passed away and they had hired him to clean out the house. This woman, bless her soul, must have been a hoarder because she had a TON of clothes and this man had the good sense to save the clothes and find good homes for them. As I was digging through the bags of pieces, I found one labeled "100% silk" which I naturally gravitated towards and inside were all of these lovely silk blouses (ok so the white one is actually silky polyester) in different prints and colors. I personally love blouses like this, they're lightweight, pretty and the kind of top that you can just throw on with jeans and run out the door in. I restrained myself from buying the whole bag of blouses since I wasn't sure how much demand there was but maybe I should have--do you guys like tops like this? They will all be available in the shop soon!