In the short time that
La Poubelle Vintage has been in existence, I have been experimenting with different ways to keep the shop stocked (vintage clothes don’t grow on trees, coincidentally). My initial approach was to scour my favorite thrift shops and flea markets looking for passed over goodies but since I’ve recently found myself with increasingly less free time (thanks unpaid internships!), I’ve been searching for new ways to find interesting pieces.
I’ve bought a couple of lots from eBay which means that you pay a fairly low price for a big box full of God-knows-what. Some attempts have yielded oddities like a puffy floral windbreaker and denim jumpers galore. But my most recent lot, which came from eBay seller
niidii, was a delightful surprise. Here are a few of my favorite pieces that just came in, all available in the shop.
May or may not have worn this shirt to work the other day...whoops.
Wiiiishing these boots were my size or they'd be mine, all mine.
I'm saving this one for spring...